Monday, September 29, 2014

Back on the Blogging Train...

I'm back!
I took an unexpected hiatus from blogging, but I'm back baby!
I look forward to resuming my regularly scheduled programing!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Losing a Loved One

I've been putting this post off for 8 days now. Mostly because I don't want to deal with this, partly because I'm not ready. Regardless sometimes life forces you to confront things you didn't think you would have to deal with much less want to deal with. 

8 days ago my family lost a shining light, a wonderful mother, and a cherished Gigi. Jeanette, my Aunt, died suddenly in her sleep on September 4, 2014. 8 days later we still don't even have an official cause of death. This last week has been one of shock. I've been doing my best to push everything to the side, just waiting for the appropriate moment to deal with this tragic loss. 

Never in a million years did we think Jeanette would leave us so soon. I firmly believe when it is your time to be called home, The Lord will call you home. Weather you are ready or not, you will get to go meet our Maker. It is some consolation that I know for a fact that Jeanette is dancing in heaven with Jesus now! It is very comforting to me to know that she is in a better place! 

Tomorrow morning our family is having a memorial service for Jeanette. I can no longer ignore the grief, the sense of tragic loss, and the simple fact that I won't ever get another great big hug from Aunt "Nette." 

I can't quite put into words the effect Aunt Nette had on my life. She has always been there for me, and she would do anything for you. She was just an amazing woman. She could sew like no ones business, paint abstract art, craft anything you could dream up, she knew her way around any power tools, and man could she cook. She was quite the woman! She loved her husband, kids and grand kids SO incredibly much. 

It's so bizarre writing about something like this. On one hand I can't put it into words what she actually meant to me, but on the other hand I have so much to say about Aunt Nette. It's definitely a weird and new situation for me. Hopefully tomorrow will bring some closure to my feelings of loss, even though I know grief doesn't happen in a day. 

I'd like to share a few pictures of Aunt Nette. 
Jeanette with Kinley just 2 weeks before she passed. 

Jeanette with 2 day old Kinley.  

Jeanette, me, and Grandma. (Mom's mom)

My mom and Jeanette, circa 1980. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Weekend 20 Recap

How have we already had 20 weekends with our little girl!? Time is flying by so quickly!

Saturday morning was the first OU football game! My husband is a huge OU fan, therefor Kinley is an OU fan by default! How did an OU family end up in Texas? Well I was born in Oklahoma, Trey loves OU for their meteorology school and their general awesomeness. Boomer!

This weekend we had the privilege of attending a wedding for a dear friend! My Mom and Step-Dad were wonderful and kept Kinley for us so we could enjoy the wedding sans kiddo. It was the nicest, no expense spared wedding I've ever had the joy of attending. Here is a quick photo bomb of all the festivities!
One really neat touch was during the ceremony. I've never seen a couple do this, and I really thought it was special. Even in their wedding attire, the bride and groom washed each others feet. What a way to start a marriage! Very nice touch! 

Wasn't her dress incredible!? Seriously we had a wonderful time. It was a much needed fun night! #martinandalexica2014

Sunday morning we slept in a little since Kinley was still with Mimi & Pawpaw! After I picked her up from church we got home, and I realized someone was a little fussy! She has been teething and it was evident that was the issue Sunday. She slept a ton, but also cried plenty. ha! We managed to have a few good moments! 

On Sunday we even went to Joann's fabrics and Lowe's to get some supplies for an upcoming project! More on that later! Super excited for the project though!

I hope you all have a great Labor Day! I know I am enjoying my day off work!