Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Weekend Wedding!

On Saturday we had the privilege of attending my Sister-In-Law's wedding! Natalie and Chris were marred at Lake Kiowa, Texas in a very small and intimate ceremony. Even though we were there practically all day the time flew by so fast! Almost every decor item, the cupcakes, and Natalie's bouquet were made by myself or my wonderful Mother-In-Law. 

Let me tell you, making 96 cupcakes was no easy task! I spread it all out over several days. I made all the frosting Tuesday night, the cupcakes Thursday night, and then iced the cupcakes on Friday afternoon. I took a half day from work to make sure I had plenty of time to get them all frosted. Kinley was still at daycare, so I was shocked at how fast I was able to knock out all that frosting! Anyway! Back to the wedding festivities! 

I also took all the photos! I took a couple photography classes in High School, but honestly I haven't picked up an SLR in years, even though we have one. I had forgotten how much I absolutely love taking photos. Hopefully we will actually use our camera more! 

 Now presenting the Mr. and Mrs.!!!! 

Words can not express how genuinely happy we are that Natalie finally had the man of her dreams and the wedding of her dreams. 

You might have noticed that Natalie and Chris don't seem like the rest of us, and that is because they are not. Both Natalie and Chris were born with developmental delays that are lifelong. Their love story begins at a life skills class sponsored by the local community college. People like Nat & Chris go there to learn basic skills and master those skills. Simple things like putting on makeup, cooking simple dishes, and many other things that we all take for granted. They dated for 4 years before deciding to take their relationship to the next level. 

It was very hard for us as the family to come to terms with Natalie getting married and going off on her own. However, who are we to deny her happiness? All her life, my in-laws have only wanted Nat to be happy, and we all finally got our wish. 

I know there are many people out there who will vehemently disagree with the marriage of two disabled people. I will say it again though, why should anyone deny two people the chance at happiness? Why should we deny them the chance to live as normal of a life as possible? Of course there will be challenges, however we will overcome those as they arise. 

{Myself, Trey, Chris, and Natalie}

{Kinley slept through much of the wedding!}

{The happy couple driving away!}

The wedding took up much of our weekend! 
I hope everyone had a great weekend too! 
What did y'all do? Any fun or new experiences??

Weekend number 16 is in the books! Only 920 weekends remain until Kinley is 18! 


  1. Ya'll did an amazing job on all the wedding decor. Can't believe Little Miss slept through most of it. So happy for Natalie & Chris. P.S. If you only have 920 weekends left until Kinley is 18, that means I have less than 900 before Lily is 18. I'm gonna go cry in the corner for a bit...

    1. Thanks!! I can't believe Lils is about to be 2!!!!

  2. Stopping by from Amanda's blog! I love your blog name and your little girl is such a cutie! SO glad she slept through most of the wedding for you! I never was really into photos until I had my daughter and now I love it! I'm so hooked!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I had way too much fun taking photos! I've even done a mini photo shoot of little bit since the wedding! ha!
