Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Cheesy Sausage Biscuits {Brinner!}

Last week we had brinner! You know, brunch for dinner! Well I whipped up some Cheesy Sausage Biscuits and some prepackaged Lemon Poppyseed scones.

I started my Cheesy Sausage Biscuits with browning a pound of breakfast sausage. You could use any type of sausage to change up the final flavor! Since I was going for more of a breakfast type item, the regular sausage worked well for me.

Next, I took a plain can of biscuit dough, nothing fancy, and I split the biscuits in half. I then cupped the biscuit in my hand and filled with cheese and sausage!

After filling the biscuit I pinched the open part together! Originally I indented for the biscuits to bake on a flat cookie sheet, but they weren't sticking together very well. I improvised and stuck them open side up in a muffin tin! It actually worked perfectly! 

I let the biscuits cook for the time listed on the dough can. No need to worry about cooking the ingredients inside the biscuit since they were already cooked. After 14 minutes we had some delish and adorable little Cheesy Sausage Biscuits!

There are so many possibilities with the stuffing ingredients! I would love to add some peppers next time, and possibly some scrambled eggs! I also want to try these with a slightly less breakfasty approach. Possibly some spicy sausage with peppers, tomatoes, onions, and mozzarella cheese.

My bestie also made a variety of these sausage biscuits. We ended up having very different interpretations of the sausage biscuits, I think it is fun to see where we both ended up! Check out Amanda, her blog Tickled Pink, and her interpretation of the sausage biscuits!


Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday Favorites!

Favorite Moment: Being reunited with Kinley on Monday evening after not seeing her for 30ish hours! Trey met me in the garage when I got home, Kinley on his hip, she was smiled when she saw me, and my heart instantly melted! Of course she looked much bigger than when we left just a short 30ish hours prior!

Favorite Pin:

Honestly this happens far too often. Poor Kinley and her tendency to spit up.

Favorite Denton Specialty: Ravelin Bakery! Seriously Ravelin is a guilty pleasure of mine. They have wonderfully crafted pastries, muffins, breads, and other delish goodies! Every once in a while I will stop in for a little something! If you live in or near Denton Texas, please stop in to try Ravelin. The owners are also wonderfully warm and kind people who are always happy to see you!

Favorite Drool: Chocolate Almond Croissant from the aforementioned Ravelin Bakery! Seriously to die for. Creamy chocolate on the inside, and toasted crunchy almonds on top. I swoon.  
Favorite Kinley Photo: Ok it's a two for the price of one photo day!

We have a couple fun things planned for the weekend!
I hope you all have a great weekend too!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Kinley {almost 5 Months}

My little girl is almost 5 months old! Where has the time gone!? She is so big now! Here is a quick little reminiscing session. Mostly for my benefit... haha! 

This was the week before my water broke. 
I can not believe how big my stomach was.

One of her very first pictures! 

My sweet little girl! 

Kinley was about a month old in this picture. She looks SO tiny to me though! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Random Quote.

My very wise Uncle posted this quote yesterday. It really spoke to me, and I wanted to share with everyone!
Photo Credit

Be a blessing in someone's life! 

Have a great week! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Weekend 21 Recap!

Since we were hosting a shower for a wonderful friend on Saturday, our Friday evening was spent preparing for the shower! Typically we go out to eat on Friday nights, but this weekend we stayed in. We cleaned the house (shout out to the hubby for all his help!) and I baked 48 cupcakes! We also had chairs and tables to set up, and some preliminary decorating. After a long day at work, I was sure happy to have all our tasks completed!

I woke up extra early Saturday morning, because I realized I had forgotten to get wedding mints! Since it was delegated to me by another bridesmaid, I felt like I couldn't skip those. Off to Walmart I went... So early in-fact that I had the opportunity to see the sunrise. It was particularly beautiful.
We had such a great time at the shower! Here are a few pics from our good times! 

The Bride and Me! 

The whole group! 

Trey and I left Kinley with Nanny for the night! We stayed at Winstar! Trey's mom got a free room and were kind enough to let us kids take the room! We had a great time! We spent some time at the pool, went to dinner, gambled, and then we found a bar in the casino that had dollar Bud Light's! Lets just say we had a couple beers! ha! 

Since we stayed the night on Sunday night, we didn't get to see Kinley from Sunday afternoon until after work Monday! Nanny took Kinley to daycare for us. It was nice to get away, but it was even better to be back with KP! I just love that little girl SO much! 

It was a busy weekend, but oh so fun! 
I hope you had a great weekend too! 


Friday, August 15, 2014

Thing's I've Learned About Blogging

I thought it might be fun and informational to list some of the things I've learned as a new blogger. Joining the blogging community has had such a huge learning curve for me! I had absolutely no idea what all went into blogging!

I'll admit. I probably need to use PicMonkey more frequently. Its an easy way to jazz up your photos and make them more visually pleasing. *Note to self on that little topic.*
Most successful bloggers frequently add things to their pictures for some visual interest.

I have absolutely LOVED learning more about my audience by taking a gander at my stats page. Below is an example of the types of information on the stats.
Its really interesting to me to think of each and every reader in different parts of the world and what may have led them to my blog? Shout out to each of you that frequently read my blog too! (I'm talking to you Poland!) I would LOVE to hear from you in the comments as to where you are located!
Based on my posts stats, my most popular post is about my experience with Endometriosis! I wouldn't have thought that my little ol' story would draw any attention. Since I'm so new to blogging I don't have many readers in general, but it is still interesting for me to look at. I also find it interesting that some posts that I was sure would be a big hit, have been a flop!

This is something that I was completely oblivious to before I started blogging. I've read certain blogs religiously for several years now, but I hadn't paid much attention to the LinkUp parties. Basically someone 'hosts' the party, if you have a similar blog post topic, you can 'link' into their 'party' for an easy way to gain exposure. Lots of people look at the LinkUp parties to find new blogs to follow. In fact I've found several of my favorite blogs through LinkUp parties. If you participate in the LinkUp, be sure to have a catchy picture for your main picture in order to grab reader's attention.
Now, obviously I need to utilize the LinkUp parties more often, but I haven't really had the time, nor have I found the right niche for my blog. Yet.

Site Referrals
LinkUp parties definitely fall under site referrals, but my biggest site referral is from BlogLovin! Second runner up is Pinterest. I've heard some pretty amazing stories of the exposure that Pinterest can provide. Hopefully I can drive some more traffic to my blog through Pinterest!

I hope this post wasn't too dry for you! It's a lot of stats and analytical type items, but I think it will be fun to document where my blog is at in it's journey right now. I can't wait to look back in a year and see any progress!

I hope you all have a great weekend! We have SEVERAL fun things planned for the weekend, including a wedding shower hosted at our house for a dear friend! Can't wait!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Random Photo Post

Here are some random, yet totally adorable photos! They haven't exactly warranted their very own post, but they are too cute not to share!

I just love how her hair curls when its damp!
Definitely inherited that from her Daddy!

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Nakie time!

The cuteness below is just too much for me to handle! I can't believe how adorable she is! I knew Trey & I would make cute kids, but come on!?
I never knew I would love a little one as much as I do. It's such a blessing every day to be her Mom!


Since Kinley is now 4 and a half months, I'm getting a little more adventurous with letting her try new foods! She has gotten so curious about what we are eating, and just stares at us so intently when we eat! It is pretty adorable to see her become more aware of the world around her!
The other night I was feeling particularly cavalier, so I sliced up an apple and stuck it in the cool pouch thing! I feel better knowing she absolutely can not choke on the apple when it is in the pouch!

Kinley wasn't sure about the apple, but I think she enjoyed tasting the new flavor!
She looks SO big in her high chair! Where did my baby go!?

Monday, August 11, 2014

Weekend Recap!

Well this weekend was pretty much a bust. 
We had a couple things planned but they didn't work out the way we intended. 

Firstly, we drove out to Decatur to go to North Texas Soaring! It's an awesome club that you can go flying in a glider plane! The Hubby has his commercial pilot's license, but he wanted to just go have fun flying in a glider. Well we drove the 40 minutes out there. When we arrived we were told that they weren't flying today. WHAT?! Ugh. Hubby even called the day before to verify that we could fly. Well apparently they were doing maintenance and wouldn't be flying. Super disappointing! Maybe we will try to go again, it still seems like a fun activity! 

We've been trying to find a replacement for my Hubby's favorite chair for about 4 years now. The oversized chair is around 14 years old and is a lovely hunter green. You know that color was so popular back in the early 2000's! Nothing has lived up to the chair, that was until Saturday! We finally found a replacement chair! We happily plunked down the $471 for the chair, we thought we were on our merry way with the chair, buuuuuttttt snag. The chair had to be shipped from across the DFW metroplex, whomp whomp, and it wouldn't be here until Tuesday. So I'm super excited for Tuesday to get here! 

Sunday was pretty relaxed. We slept until 9! Kinley of course was awake and asleep from 4am until 9 when we got up, but that's the life! Those early morning snuggles sure are nice! 
We did some shopping at Aldi, had lunch with some friends, and relaxed in the evening! 

 I can't believe I didn't take a single picture of Kinley this entire weekend!? What is wrong with me!? 

I can't wait to share a photo of the chair replacement! 


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Blueberry Galettes {My Version}

This weekend I decided to make my version of The Pioneer Woman's Mini Blueberry Galettes! I made a couple of changes but overall the recipe remains the same! 

I started off with a tub of blueberries and a quarter cup of sugar. 

Add in one teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Throw in one tablespoon of cornstarch. 
(Ree say's its to thicken the blueberry juices)

I missed the next few steps because I was frantically trying to complete the recipe. Kinley had started crying, she was over being in her jumper.

After taming the crying baby, I stirred all my ingredients together in the bowl, it was a little dry, so I added a tablespoon of water, straight from the faucet y'all! ha!

Next, I rolled out my pre-made pie crusts. If you want to get real fancy you could make your own pie crusts from scratch. Take a bowl, flip it upside down on your crusts, use a knife to cut out some pretty little circles! Next, take your pretty little circles of pie crusts, and fill with blueberry mixture. 

Here is where the big difference in my recipe and Ree's comes into play. Cream Cheese! YES! I have to admit I'm a sucker for some cream cheese. I took a plain ol' block of cream cheese, cut off a slice and put it under my blueberries. I only put cream cheese under half my blueberries, just in case it didn't turn out well, but the cream cheese didn't disappoint! Now I wish I had added cream cheese to all of the galettes!

Pretty little things before going into the oven! 

Ummm, well we had a little hiccup. Apparently I didn't pinch my crusts well enough on two of the galettes. Sooooo we ended up with a blueberry 'tostada?' Lesson learned! Pinch those crusts!

Look at that cream cheese poking through! YUMMY! 

Topped with a little powdered sugar, makes everything better! 

The possibilities with these little galettes is infinite! Strawberry, peach, just cream cheese, cream cheese with cinnamon, oh the possibilities! 

For the original recipe visit Ree at The Pioneer Woman! She is the bomb.com! 
