Sunday, August 10, 2014

Blueberry Galettes {My Version}

This weekend I decided to make my version of The Pioneer Woman's Mini Blueberry Galettes! I made a couple of changes but overall the recipe remains the same! 

I started off with a tub of blueberries and a quarter cup of sugar. 

Add in one teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Throw in one tablespoon of cornstarch. 
(Ree say's its to thicken the blueberry juices)

I missed the next few steps because I was frantically trying to complete the recipe. Kinley had started crying, she was over being in her jumper.

After taming the crying baby, I stirred all my ingredients together in the bowl, it was a little dry, so I added a tablespoon of water, straight from the faucet y'all! ha!

Next, I rolled out my pre-made pie crusts. If you want to get real fancy you could make your own pie crusts from scratch. Take a bowl, flip it upside down on your crusts, use a knife to cut out some pretty little circles! Next, take your pretty little circles of pie crusts, and fill with blueberry mixture. 

Here is where the big difference in my recipe and Ree's comes into play. Cream Cheese! YES! I have to admit I'm a sucker for some cream cheese. I took a plain ol' block of cream cheese, cut off a slice and put it under my blueberries. I only put cream cheese under half my blueberries, just in case it didn't turn out well, but the cream cheese didn't disappoint! Now I wish I had added cream cheese to all of the galettes!

Pretty little things before going into the oven! 

Ummm, well we had a little hiccup. Apparently I didn't pinch my crusts well enough on two of the galettes. Sooooo we ended up with a blueberry 'tostada?' Lesson learned! Pinch those crusts!

Look at that cream cheese poking through! YUMMY! 

Topped with a little powdered sugar, makes everything better! 

The possibilities with these little galettes is infinite! Strawberry, peach, just cream cheese, cream cheese with cinnamon, oh the possibilities! 

For the original recipe visit Ree at The Pioneer Woman! She is the! 


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