Saturday, July 12, 2014

My Endometriosis Story

In November 2012 I was having a lot of abdominal pain, and major issues with my cycle. After seeing my regular gynecologist to no avail, a friend recommended I go see Dr. Dulemba. Dr. Dulemba is a world renowned doctor that specializes in helping women with endometriosis. They ran a pelvic ultrasound, I was given a preliminary diagnosis of endometriosis and adenomyosis. His recommendation was that we do an exploratory surgery, and if endometriosis was found he would laser those bad cells out!

Endometriosis and adenomyosis is where the endometrial cells that line the uterus grow in abnormal locations. Endometriosis is usually found in the abdominal cavity, covering the uterus, bowels, abdominal wall and possibly the bladder. Rarely endometriosis can be found on the lungs and even more rarely on the brain. Adenomyosis is very similar to endo however adeno is only when the endometrial cells grow within the muscle of the uterus. Whenever a woman has her regular monthly cycle, these cells still shed blood just like they would if they were in the uterus. Since this happens in abnormal locations it causes bloating, cramping, general discomfort, and fatigue. Let's just say... Not fun.

I digress! I was hesitant to do the surgery and did a ton of research, but finally in February 2013 I agreed to the surgery. February 27th, 2013 was the big day! I went in, was all prepped, given a wonderful "margarita" of meds to make me go to la-la land, and the surgery began. Dr. Dulemba used the daVinci surgical robot to remove all the scar tissue and endometriosis.

Honestly I couldn't tell you how long the surgery was, but we had a confirmed diagnosis of endometriosis. There were adhesions (aka scar tissue) all over my abdomen. The endometriosis had grown practically everywhere. My bowels were involved and even stuck to my abdominal wall with scar tissue. This explains all the intestinal issues I had over the years! Dr. Dulemba also removed two ovarian cysts and my appendix. He said my appendix looked a little funky so he went ahead and took it just in case. After the pathology report came back it turned out that I had appendicitis at some point but I just didn't realize! The appendicitis was mild enough that it went away on its own, but how crazy is that?! The only time that I can think of that I was super sick was on a ski trip to New Mexico, but we thought I was sick from some super spicy mexican food. Maybe not!? Maybe it was my appendix! 

I have some crazy pictures from the surgery if anyone is interested! I won't post them here in case anyone is super queasy about medical stuff! Just email me if you would like to see the pics!

Ladies and Gentlemen... This... This is your best friend after abdominal surgery. This is a morphine ball that was hooked up directly inside my body. Despite the constant flow of morphine, that recovery was the most excruciating thing in my life. Yes I will still say that even after giving birth without any drugs. But what would you expect!? My insides had been cut, burned, dug around in, and then sewn back up. 

Despite the pain of recovery. Despite the cost. Despite being laid up for a week and a half. 
It was all worth it. 
In the end I was healthy. 
I am free from endometriosis. 

I have to say too, I am one of the lucky ones. My one surgery was enough to rid my body of the terrible thing called endometriosis. There are SO many women who suffer from this disease. So many who are not able to get out of bed everyday, who can't hold down a job because of the debilitating pain, who suffer because there isn't a one size fits all cure. Not to mention the countless women suffering infertility due to this disease. Unfortunately there isn't enough research to help cure everyone. I pray that we will find a cure, but until then we have to support each other and keep fighting for more research! 


  1. I'm so glad you were so luck with your treatment. Surgery is scary stuff so I don't blame you for waiting. And recovering from abdominal surgery is NO JOKE. I had a c-section with my kiddo and then 18mo later my appendix ruptured and then 2 weeks later I had a post-surgery abscess. So much pain! The appendix was worse than the c-section and that was pretty awful for me (was so not one of the lucky ones out mowing the lawn 3-days later). Glad you were able to recover!

    1. That's crazy! I forgot to mention that they did remove my appendix (because it looked a little funky) at the same time as the endo! Once the pathology came back it turned out I had had appendicitis at some time, but I just didn't realize. The only time I can think of that I was terribly sick was on a ski trip in New Mexico, but I thought it was from some super spicy mexican food! Maybe not!? HA!
      I'm glad you are all well now though! I can't imagine going through a cesarean then having to mow the lawn!
